NLTK TUTORIAL - pickle files for sklearn algorithms

by: dipanshu, 8 years ago

Can anyone please provide me with the classifier pickle files for Bernouilli, MultinomialNB , and the other sklearn algorithms or tell me where they are hosted? I would really appreciate it thanks.

Well the thing is
I'm using Python3.5 32bit and while the nltk corpus movie_reviews worked okay, the Short Reviews is well, quite large so it has been giving me a memory error while trying to pickle. While the 'nltk naivebayes' works fine and I have successfully pickled it, the sklearn
algorithms i.e. Bernouilli, Multinomial and the other ones keep crashing the python shell with a 'MemoryError'. The naivebayes  has been giving me a lot of accuracy problems
when I type in random texts. A lot of comments on stacksoverflow suggest that I should be using a 64bit version of python but I don't want to install everything again, from nltk module and its data to numpy+mkl using .whl files. Moreover I have just 4 Gigs of RAM on my Laptop so I'm not even sure if that would work or still run out of memory.

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Here you go:

-Harrison 8 years ago

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Thank you so much!

-dipanshu 8 years ago

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